Friday, March 19, 2010

You say lucky, I say blessed

I don’t want to forget the way I feel right now. Today is no more special than any other normal day. But today, I am thankful. I am fortunate. And if you believe in luck, I feel lucky. Only I don’t believe in luck, I believe in blessings. And why I am blessed, I have no idea.

As I walked back from the cafeteria at work to my corner office cube on the 3rd floor with a window view, I came overwhelmed with thankfulness. I don’t know why, I just did. And I wanted to write about it so I would never forget it. When the storms in life hit, when the waves seem to be crashing and when the boat topples over and I only have a lifesaver to grab hold of, I don’t want to forget how thankful I am. I am blessed with a strong community of family and friends. I have enough money to eat and clothe myself. I have been given good health, a great job, provision, a solid church who accepts me and a God who loves me regardless of all my blemishes both inside and out. I am one fortunate, lucky and blessed girl.

And because a post is always better with a picture, here is one of the reasons I am so blessed:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

My little lemon

It was almost four years ago that I saw her. She was the one. THE ONE. She had a little white star on the back of her furry neck and without a doubt, she stood out from all the others. There was something special about her that I just couldn't put my finger on. Until now.

After hip surgery, bad teeth, countless hours at the vet trying to figure out what she is allergic to, why she has something in the shape and color of a cherry in her eye, why she has to smell everything in sight, I have realized why she is so special. She is a lemon.

Bella is the Beagle who stole my heart almost four years ago. Not knowing what I know now, I probably still would have hand picked her even though I have spent more money on her then I spent as a down payment on my first house. She has the sweetest spirit, the calmest demeanor and wins at a staring contest every time.

As you approach the grand age of the big 0-4 Bella, you are my little lemon that I love. But I promise not to make lemonade out of you.

Happy almost Birthday, little one.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My Love Bugs

I don't know what it is about these little ladies, but they light up my life. I love how unique and different each little one is. They each have their own personalities, their own outlook on life and their own special laugh. These wonderful little girls are my nieces and I love them more than anything. They truly bring joy to my life each and every day and I can't imagine life without them. They give the best hugs and kisses and I only have one rule for them: don't grow up! We had a blast taking some shots last week at the JW Marriot. Watch out Kevin and have some aspiring models on their way.

Sisterly Love

Kate (5)

Kassidy (8)

Chloe (10)