Friday, March 19, 2010

You say lucky, I say blessed

I don’t want to forget the way I feel right now. Today is no more special than any other normal day. But today, I am thankful. I am fortunate. And if you believe in luck, I feel lucky. Only I don’t believe in luck, I believe in blessings. And why I am blessed, I have no idea.

As I walked back from the cafeteria at work to my corner office cube on the 3rd floor with a window view, I came overwhelmed with thankfulness. I don’t know why, I just did. And I wanted to write about it so I would never forget it. When the storms in life hit, when the waves seem to be crashing and when the boat topples over and I only have a lifesaver to grab hold of, I don’t want to forget how thankful I am. I am blessed with a strong community of family and friends. I have enough money to eat and clothe myself. I have been given good health, a great job, provision, a solid church who accepts me and a God who loves me regardless of all my blemishes both inside and out. I am one fortunate, lucky and blessed girl.

And because a post is always better with a picture, here is one of the reasons I am so blessed:

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